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Find gender stereotypes in STEM representations
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professional orientation

The students are going to comment on advertisements for daily technological objects and recruitment campaign visuals, followed by analysis and discussion. As facilitator or teacher, remember to emphasize that you are  interested in what the students think. Also emphasize that this activity is in no way meant to tell the students that their own beliefs are wrong, but to train them to get a sharper eye on the subject.


The activity begins with the question: What are the skills, ideas, adjectives or qualities that you spontaneously associate with men, boys, girls and women?


The students are asked to form three groups, preferably mixed girls and boys. The facilitator gives each group a recent ad for a technological object. Each group is given a blank analysis grid. Students observe and discuss the visual, and fill in the grid. The same approach is used for the recruitment campaign visuals.


The facilitator asks students for their opinion and launches a discussion on the impact stereotypes have on study/career choices and the representation of careers in STEM.



90 mins


25-30 students


Find gender stereotypes in STEM representations
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Activity Description - Spanish
Activity Description - Greek
Supporting Document 2
Supporting Document 3
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